Plots a Heatmap showing variable importance on the diagonal and variable interaction on the off-diagonal.
viviHeatmap( mat, intPal = rev(colorspace::sequential_hcl(palette = "Purples 3", n = 100)), impPal = rev(colorspace::sequential_hcl(palette = "Greens 3", n = 100)), intLims = NULL, impLims = NULL, border = FALSE, angle = 0 )
mat | A matrix, such as that returned by vivi, of values to be plotted. |
intPal | A vector of colours to show interactions, for use with scale_fill_gradientn. |
impPal | A vector of colours to show importance, for use with scale_fill_gradientn. |
intLims | Specifies the fit range for the color map for interaction strength. |
impLims | Specifies the fit range for the color map for importance. |
border | Logical. If TRUE then draw a black border around the diagonal elements. |
angle | The angle to rotate the x-axis labels. Defaults to zero. |
A heatmap plot showing variable importance on the diagonal and variable interaction on the off-diagonal.
# \donttest{ library(ranger) aq <- na.omit(airquality) rF <- ranger(Ozone ~ ., data = aq, importance = "permutation") myMat <- vivi(fit = rF, data = aq, response = "Ozone") #> Agnostic variable importance method used. #> Calculating interactions... viviHeatmap(myMat)# }