Group Hex Colors. This function takes a vector of hex color values and groups them using k-means clustering in the RGB color space. It returns a data frame with the original hex colors and their assigned group labels.
groupCols(hex_colors, n_clusters = 5)
hex_colors | A character vector of hex color values. |
n_clusters | The number of clusters (groups) to use in the k-means clustering. Default is 5. |
A data frame with the original hex colors and their assigned group labels.
hex_colors <- c("#FF0000", "#00FF00", "#0000FF", "#FFFF00", "#FF00FF") groupCols(hex_colors, n_clusters = 2) #> hex_color group #> 2 #00FF00 2 #> 3 #0000FF 2 #> 1 #FF0000 1 #> 4 #FFFF00 1 #> 5 #FF00FF 1