Creates a list of all tree attributes for a model created by either the BART, dbarts or bartMachine packages.

extractTreeData(model, data)



Model created from either the BART, dbarts or bartMachine packages.


a data frame used to build the BART model.


A list containing the extracted and processed tree data. This list includes:

  1. Tree Data Frame: A data frame containing tree attributes.

  2. Variable Name: The names of the variables used in building the model.

  3. nMCMC: The total number of iterations (posterior draws) after burn-in.

  4. nTree: The total number of trees grown in the sum-of-trees model.

  5. nVar: The total number of covariates used in the model.

The object created by the `extractTreeData` function encompasses these elements, facilitating detailed analysis and visualisation of BART model components.


if (FALSE) {
df_trees <- extractTreeData(model = my_model, data = my_data)